Phone 262.628.2319
Phone 262.628.2319
Let’s begin with a thank you to all those who have contributed plastic bags. Plastic is the key ingredient in creating jump ropes, mats, shopping-style bags and various other objects. Debbie B. has been making samples and finding the best directions for us to follow. We will need all sizes of hands to cut the bags and then braid, crochet or knit those together. More information to follow.
Sussex Food Pantry is in need of canned chicken, canned tuna, canned vegetables (peas, carrots, mixed canned beans) Chunky/Progresso soup, Hamburger Helper, potato sides, rice sides, pasta sides, jello pudding, pancake mix, syrup, juice, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, bar soup, tooth paste, tooth brushes, deodorant, baby wipes and toilet paper
Remember to rid your pockets of those noisy, heavy coins you have been carrying in your pockets, we have a container for your convenience on the coffee table in the Fellowship Hall. The coins benefit St. Paul’s Mission Fund.
St. Paul's has an ongoing program supporting a classroom at Brown Street Academy. Over the year's St Paul's has donated school supplies, snacks, Christmas gifts, coats, and summer learning tools for the students. In 2021 St Paul's donated a classroom air conditioners to keep the classroom comfortable for learning.
Volunteers knitters and crocheters meet Friday mornings at 9 am work to work on craft projects that are donated to many groups/charities.
St. Paul's collects food products which are donated to several local food pantries.
Boxes are filled and given to Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international relief organization. Shoeboxes are filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies .
The congregation through the mission committee supports many local charities including the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, Salvation Army and Feeding America.
Donations of Gift Cards are giving to the Waukesha Christmas Clearing House so teenage kids receive a Christmas gift too! Over $750 collected in 2023.
Throughout the year St. Paul's along with UCC congregations across the county take a special offering for Neighbors in Need, OCWM, Christmas Fund and more.
St Paul's has done a variety of collections for veterans including collecting jackets and home goods which were donated to homeless vets and the ongoing collection of travel size toiletries and snacks to be sent to those currently serving overseas.
Thanks to everyone who helped us with the Souper Bowl of Caring Challenge. St. Paul's collected OVER 560 SOUP ITEMS AND $270 in cash donations which was donated to Okoa Toto
Feed My Starving Children is a Christian non-profit organization that coordinates the packaging and distribution of food to people in developing nations. Founded in 1987, it has reached out to more than 70 countries.
Each year the Mission Manics collect goods and create care packages for college students. These care packages are alway a much appreciated gift and show of support of our members children, grandchildren and other family members attending college.
Thanks to everyone who donated sleeping bags, blankets and pillows for the homeless.
Collecting change as part of our military tribute in May
Each year St Paul's participates in Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes! The mission of Samaritan's Purse project Operation Christmas Child is to reach out to world children who are affected by war, poverty, disease, natural disasters and to children living on Native American reservations. our sharing of the shoebox gifts demonstrates God's love in a tangible way.
St. Paul's United Church of Christ - Erin
St. Paul's United Church of Christ -495 St. Augustine Rd Colgate, WI 53017US