St. Paul's is a wonderful congregation of intimate size and broad diversity. With families that have farmed in the area for many generations to young couples building nearby homes, we are a dynamic and yet harmonious family of faith. Our individual beliefs range from conservative to liberal, from certainty to doubt. Members have grown up in various Catholic or Protestant traditions or no tradition at all. We trust that there is room in the arms of Christ for a wide variety of beliefs, and we make room for one another in our hearts. We also agree with comedienne Gracie Allen’s sentiment, “Never put a period where God has put a comma.” We continue to listen to the wisdom and truth of God in sermon, silence, scripture and from one another. We extend to all an invitation to join us in that conversation.
If you are not able to worship with us in person, you can join our Sunday Worship via our YouTube broadcast at 9:30 am.
Click HERE for the broadcast link.
The Sunday Bulletin and prevsious service recordings are available via the drop down menu under News & Resources/ Worship Resources.
St. Paul's United Church of Christ - Erin
St. Paul's United Church of Christ -495 St. Augustine Rd Colgate, WI 53017US