Phone 262.628.2319
Phone 262.628.2319
Join the Mission Maniacs this fall. If your children are interested in joining our Sunday school, contact Jodie Staus. Sunday School is open to children 4k through 7th grade.
Current Mission Project - College Care Packages
Mission Maniacs are excited to be collecting items to pack for the St. Paul’s College bound young adults! Collection dates: Now until March 9th What do college kids like, you ask? Snacks~Gift cards~Pens and paper supply~Candy~Self Care items If you have a child or grandchild you would like to receive a care package, please let us know as soon as possible!
Children are an important part of our life together. The children begin worship service with their parents. Following the Children's message (approx. 9:55 am) students go to the classrooms for a Sunday School lesson until approximately 10:40 am. (September-May).
Sunday school classes follow a lectionary-based curriculum which ties together scripture in class with that of the Sunday worship experience.
Confirmation is a nine-month program for eighth graders requiring active participation in the ongoing life of the church family. If you have any questions about confirmation, please call or e-mail Pastor Bonnie.
Vacation Bible School takes place for one week each July. Children 4 years old through 6th grade are encourage to join us for a week of games, music and fun learning bible stories and about being a christian.
The freedom of a diversity of beliefs also means a responsibility. Members are encouraged to develop their understanding of the Christian faith through study, prayer and adult education.
St. Paul's United Church of Christ - Erin
St. Paul's United Church of Christ -495 St. Augustine Rd Colgate, WI 53017US