Phone 262.628.2319
Phone 262.628.2319
If you have something to share at an upcoming service, please speak to Pastor Bonnie, text her or send an e-mail and it will be included in the bulletin. We are trying to streamline our announcements and this will be helpful.
2/17 - Council 6 PM
2/19 - Chapel Bells items due to Donna
2/20 - Coffee with Bonnie 10 AM at Java Dancer
2/20 - Women’s Guild noon featuring Cindy and Cheryl’s Trip
2/22 - SE Association Annual Meeting
2/23 - Chili Dinner
(CODES: G – greeters only; C&O – candles and offering; Com. – Communion servers)
February 2 Vicki and Eugene D. (Communion) Kyle and Katie G.
February 9 Mark and Kim K.
February 16 Judy N. and Jacquie B.
February 23 Cindy C. and Cheryl F.
February 2 Curt H.
February 9 Jill P.
February 16 Charmaine D.
February 23 . Katie G.
Please remember with your prayers, cards, and calls:
🎂 Happy Birthday this week to: Jacquie B. Betty Z. John E., Nolan W., Jeff G. , Neil O. Bonnie H., Obie O, and Debra W.
If you have any caregiving needs or a request for prayers, please contact Pastor Bonnie.
St. Paul’s annual church fundraiser, the Chili Lunch & Homemade Pie Sale will be held on Sunday, February 23rd
serving dine in & take out from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The money raised at this fundraiser helps support the annual church budget .
To sign up to help on at the fundraiser go to
ChiliLunchPieSale2025 Flyer (pdf)
DownloadChapel Bells Newsletter
(scroll down for previous issues)
February 2025 Chapel Bells (pdf)
DownloadThe Wisconsin Conference Life newsletter is distributed semi-monthly and brings you thoughtful articles, information about what’s going on around the Conference, educational opportunities, news about minister and church transitions, and more. Don’t miss the news! Sign up now.
St. Paul's United Church of Christ - Erin
St. Paul's United Church of Christ -495 St. Augustine Rd Colgate, WI 53017US